Expand Your Horizons And Embrace New Experiences

Study abroad with us today!

Study Abroad Programme can be highly transformative and inspiring for students. Such experiences create significant career advancement opportunities and unique cultural experiences. At AIC, we deliver numerous language preparation courses to engage students in overseas programmes worldwide. In cooperation with partners, AIC assists students with their international education endeavours throughout the process.

By participating in a Study Abroad Programme, students can:

  • Obtain a distinct outlook on fields of study
  • Reach independence and develop valuable life skills
  • Broaden horizons and gain new perspectives
  • Enroll in renowned academic institutions
  • Immerse in a cosmopolitan cultural environment

Our Values

As a learning institution, it is our responsibility to support human rights, dignity, and social issues. AIC is committed to providing opportunities that enable individuals and communities to thrive. We aim to promote international values through curriculum, professional behaviour, and personal interactions.

Our Services

AIC provides bespoke English language training services based on the guideline to merge learning with cultural development through established approaches derived from international expertise.
Aryam College

The Team

We have recruited qualified language experts with diverse backgrounds in linguistics, education, academic research, curriculum design, and teaching. Our cosmopolitan team of veteran professionals ensures a systematic, immersive, and efficient learning process for students.


Study Abroad

Study Abroad Programme can be highly transformative and inspiring for students. Such experiences create significant career advancement opportunities and unique cultural experiences. At AIC, we deliver numerous language preparation courses to engage students in overseas programmes worldwide.